Kaloud Na Grani AL

Na Grani
Everyone has long known the ON THE GRANE company as the progenitor of the stainless steel heat controller. We set a new trend, the market realized that you can make a reliable and cool device that gives more heat while looking great.

And while other manufacturers supported our trend and started to develop a product line of stainless steel controllers, we decided to release our new aluminum heat controller, which has the following advantages:

- affordable price;
- smooth, mild heat;
- allows for smooth nicotine delivery when smoking strong tobacco;
- excellent for non-heat-resistant tobaccos, such as Virginia-based tobaccos;
- is the best choice for beginners.

On the one hand, our novelty is a budget product, on the other hand - a super-quality tool for hookah masters and just hookah lovers, allowing you to vary the style of smoking and methods of piling (for more intense heating - stainless steel, for softer - aluminum). It is not an alternative to stainless steel, but a great addition.

Type: Kaloud